12 research outputs found

    Open Government Architecture: The evolution of De Jure Standards, Consortium Standards, and Open Source Software

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    Conducted for the Treasury Board of Québec, this study seeks to present recent contributions to the evolution, within an enterprise architecture context, of de jure and de facto standards by various actors in the milieu, industrial consortia, and international standardization committees active in open source software. In order to be able to achieve its goals of delivering services to citizens and society, the Government of Québec must integrate its computer systems to create a service oriented open architecture. Following in the footsteps of various other governments and the European Community, such an integration will require elaboration of an interoperability framework, i.e. a structured set of de jure standards, de facto standards, specifications, and policies allowing computer systems to interoperate. Thus, we recommend that the Government of Québec: Pursue its endeavours to elaborate an interoperability framework for its computer systems that is based on open de jure and de facto standards. This framework should not only reflect the criteria enumerated in this study and apply to internal computer systems, but it should also extend to Web services supplied to organizations outside of the government. This framework should explicitly prioritize open source de jure and de facto standards and include a policy covering free software. The interoperability framework should initially draw on that of the state of Massachusetts. In the medium term, is should be as comprehensive as that of the British government. Integrate this interoperability framework into its enterprise architecture. Publish this interoperability framework with its enterprise architecture. Specify this interoperability framework in its calls for tenders. Elaborate a policy of compliance with this framework for all new applications.

    A Product Line engineering practices model

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    AbstractThis paper describes work in progress towards the elaboration of a Product Line practices model that combines concepts proposed by various authors. The strengths of existing Product Line frameworks and models are summarized and a new model is proposed in the form of 31 Product Line practice areas, grouped in five categories. An important objective of this Product Line practices model is that it should be easily incorporated into existing development methodologies, while remaining aligned with existing systems engineering standards

    Architecture gouvernementale ouverte: Évolution des normes, des standards de consortium et des logiciels libres

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    Cette Ă©tude, rĂ©alisĂ©e pour le Conseil du trĂ©sor du QuĂ©bec, a pour objectifs de prĂ©senter, dans un contexte d’architecture d’entreprise, les rĂ©cents dĂ©veloppements dans l’évolution des normes et standards par les diffĂ©rents acteurs du milieu, les consortiums industriels et les comitĂ©s de normalisation internationaux en s’arrimant avec les logiciels ouverts. Pour pouvoir atteindre ses objectifs de services auprĂšs des citoyens et de la sociĂ©tĂ©, le gouvernement du QuĂ©bec doit intĂ©grer ses systĂšmes informatiques en vue de rĂ©aliser une architecture ouverte orientĂ©e service. Une telle intĂ©gration nĂ©cessite, Ă  l’instar de plusieurs gouvernements et de la CommunautĂ© europĂ©enne, l’élaboration d’un cadre d’interopĂ©rabilitĂ©, soit un ensemble structurĂ© de normes, standards, spĂ©cifications et politiques permettant Ă  des systĂšmes informatiques d’interopĂ©rer. Il est donc recommandĂ© que le gouvernement du QuĂ©bec : poursuive le travail d’élaboration d’un cadre d’interopĂ©rabilitĂ© pour ses systĂšmes informatiques basĂ© sur des normes et standards ouverts. Ce cadre devrait ĂȘtre conforme aux critĂšres Ă©numĂ©rĂ©s dans cette Ă©tude et devrait couvrir non seulement ses systĂšmes informatiques internes mais aussi les services Web offerts Ă  des organismes externes au gouvernement. Ce cadre devrait explicitement donner prioritĂ© aux normes et standards ouverts et inclure une politique sur les logiciels libres. Le cadre d’interopĂ©rabilitĂ© devrait initialement s’inspirer de celui de l’état du Massachusetts. À moyen terme, il devrait ĂȘtre aussi complet que celui du gouvernement britannique; intĂšgre ce cadre d’interopĂ©rabilitĂ© Ă  son architecture d’entreprise; publie ce cadre d’interopĂ©rabilitĂ© avec son architecture d’entreprise; utilise ce cadre d’interopĂ©rabilitĂ© dans ses appels d’offres; Ă©labore une politique de conformitĂ© de toutes les nouvelles applications Ă  ce cadre.

    Innovation management: the degree of innovation in the COREDE Production metal mechanic sector, Brazil

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    This study aimed to identify the degree of innovation in the metal-mechanic organisations of Serra GaĂșcha, in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, through the application of an innovation audit. This study was conducted from data provided by the University of Passo Fundo, through the ‘Productive Extension and Innovation’ project. A survey was performed in a sample of eight respondent companies.  The data was analyzed through a descriptive statistical analysis method, which identified the individual and collective innovative aspects of the metal-mechanic sector. The results show that that companies need to pay attention to the factors that cover the processes, as they depend on the good development of the goals and objectives of the organisation, as well as the management and development of new products.Este estudo objetivou identificar o grau de inovação das organizaçÔes no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul por meio da aplicação de uma auditoria da inovação. Este estudo foi realizado a partir dos dados disponibilizados pela Universidade de Passo Fundo, atravĂ©s do projeto extensĂŁo produtiva e inovação. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa survey com uma amostra de 8 empresas respondentes a qual foi analisada utilizando-se a anĂĄlise estatĂ­stica descritiva na qual permitiu identificar o grau inovativo individual e coletivo do setor em estudo. Conclui-se, com base nos resultados obtidos, que as empresas precisam dispender atenção aos fatores que abrangem os processos, pois deles dependem o bom desenvolvimento das metas e objetivos da organização, bem como o gerenciamento e desenvolvimento de novos produtos

    Entrepreneurship and Sustainability as Key Elements for Innovation: A Brazilian Dilemma

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    Considering the socio-economic reality of Brazil and from the relevance of the issues related to entrepreneurship and organizational innovation in the country, the importance of sustainability for the organizations could become a solution for the integration of entrepreneurship with innovation. The objective of this research is to highlight the relevance of sustainability for organizations as a way to trigger the integration of entrepreneurship toward innovation in the Brazilian context. Various exploratory and descriptive researches on the dynamics of entrepreneurship, innovation and sustainability in the main organizations of the Serra GaĂșcha (RS), Brazil were carried out through the Multidisciplinary Research Group on Innovation and Competitiveness, in partnership with a research Nucleus on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability. The main results indicate that the key sectors of this Brazilian regional economy present less “innovation intensity,” which are mainly characterized by internal organizational activities of innovation, preventing them to become “regional systems of innovation,” and which presupposes the lack of sustainability. Those limitations can be characterized as “innovation ghettos.” In that logic, the researchers have also demonstrated the presence of “ghettos of sustainability, ghettos of innovation, and therefore, ghettos of sustainability and innovation” in the sectors of this Brazilian regional economy, but in differentiated and restricted perspective

    Les pratiques en informatique d'entreprise : un modÚle intégrateur

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    Particularités de l'informatique d'entreprise -- Sources -- Le bourbier des modÚles et l'informatique d'entreprise -- Introduction au modÚle EIT-CM -- Les pratiques du modÚle oeuf

    Position Paper

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    Abstract—This paper describes work in progress towards the elaboration of a Enterprise Architecture Process Model. This model is being developed as part of a comprehensive enterprise IT Capability Model (eIT-CM). The Enterprise Architecture Model comprises nine (9) processes and is compatible with the ISO/IEC 1550